One of the most common conditions we treat at HUOT is a TFC injury. This patient was referred to occupational therapy (OT) with bilateral ulnar-sided wrist pain following a corticosteroid injection. After discussing her options with her medical team, she chose to pursue conservative treatment. During therapy, we fabricated custom bilateral ulnar gutter orthoses. The patient was very compliant with both wearing the splints and attending therapy, and she experienced significant relief.

Although she was mostly asymptomatic with daily activities, she continued to experience minimal pain with end-range forearm pronation and weight-bearing. As an avid cyclist, the patient was determined to return to biking—a beloved activity that she had been unable to enjoy due to severe pain prior to therapy.

In addition to wearing the ulnar gutter splints, she consistently attended therapy sessions that included manual mobilization techniques, modalities, and controlled, supervised strengthening exercises. Over time, she transitioned from the ulnar gutter splints to a wrist widget for support during therapeutic activities and exercises.

She was ultimately discharged from OT feeling great and pain-free. The patient was thrilled to inform the HUOT team that she was back riding her bike, wearing her wrist widget, and enjoying the NYC landscape.


Wrist Weights
